How to Access the WordPress Customization Page
To start customizing your WordPress theme, first go to Appearance -> Themes page..On this page, locate the active theme (Twenty Fourteen in our case) and click on the Customize button next to its title.
The next screen will take you to a page that you can use to modify your WordPress theme in real time. On the left you will see a list of the available options and on the right a live preview of your site and how those changes will affect it.
How to Modify your WordPress Title and Tagline
The theme customization page allows you to modify your site's title and tagline and see how it will look on your actual site immediately. To do this, expand the Site Title & Tagline group of settings and alter the text. As you type you will see the new text showing up in the preview on your right side. Once you're happy with the result, simply click on the big Save & Publish button.Customize your WordPress Front Page
WordPress allows you to choose between two options for your front page - a static page or a list of the latest blog posts with part of their content. This is another setting that you can config from the theme customization page. Expand the Static Front Page tab and you'll see the available options.By default WordPress will show your latest posts on the front page. However, you can change that option to A static page. This will open two more options for you - to select a page to be displayed on your front page and on which page your blog posts should be shown. For both options you'll be able to choose from the list of all the pages you've published. If the list is empty this means that you don't have a single Page created in your site.
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