The WordPress Insert Media pop-up will appear. Click on the Select files button in the middle of the screen.
Once pick the local file, WordPress will upload it and refresh the page depending on the file format. For the purpose of this tutorial we will add an image to the post. For images there are two things you should take care of. First, describe the image itself - enter its Alt tag, title for the link and optionally a caption. The caption will appear under the actual image on your front end.
Once you do that, you need to specify the attachment settings of the image:
- Alignment - How to align the image in your content. It depends on your actual theme how alignments will work on your site.
- Link To - Select where to link the image to - the full size image file, the media page automatically created for each new attachment, custom URL or simply not to link it.
- Size - When you upload an image, WordPress creates multiple copies of it in different sizes. Choose whether you want a thumbnail, medium sized image or the entire image added to your post.
You can now update your post and go to the front end of your site. You will see the newly added image added to your post.
Following the same instructions, you can add music and video to your posts.
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